Freedom Satellite Systems is offering DISH at this property
Call 216-267-5076 for quick installation
LOCK IN your programming fee, receiver fee, and DVR fee for 2 Years!
190 Channels for $84.99 a month
Choose a package:
Latino Packages:
DishLATINO Plus $59.99 a month!
DISH offers:


Customers 55 and over, this one’s for you!

- New and qualifying former customers only.
- All offers require credit qualification, 2-year commitment with early termination fee and eAutoPay. Prices include Hopper Duo for qualifying customers. Hopper 1, or Hopper w/Sling $5/mo. more. Upfront fees may apply based on credit qualification. Fees apply for additional TVs: Joey $7/mo. After 3 mos., you will be billed $30/mo. for Showtime, STARZ, and DISH Movie Pack unless you call or go online to cancel. Hopper 1 and Hopper with Sling has 2,000 hours based DVR on 2TB hard drive. †Netflix is currently available on Hopper Duo, Hopper w/Sling, Hopper 3, Wally, and Joeys and requires you to have high-speed internet and Netflix account to access. **Live or Recorded TV anywhere requires a Hopper w/Sling or Hopper 3 and internet access. Offer ends 4/10/2024. All packages, programming, features, and functionality and all prices and fees not included in price guarantee are subject to change without notice. Prices quoted do not include Ohio sales tax, FCC fee, or Ohio state surcharge. After 2 years, then-current everyday prices for all services apply. SHOWTIME is a registered trademark of Showtime Networks Inc., a CBS Company. STARZ and related channels and service marks are property of Starz Entertainment, LLC.
- Google integration requires internet-connected Hopper, Joey, or Wally, and any Google Assistant-enabled device.
Riverside Manor Apartment Limitations
Each unit is permitted either one single-tuner receiver (for one TV only) or one Hopper Duo DVR receiver (for one or two TV’s). Hopper 3 is not available at this property. Available only to lessees at Riverside Manor Apts. You may not use any DISH Network receiver that has not been provided by Freedom Satellite Systems at this property. Customers with DISH Network today who are moving to Riverside Manor Apartments must call Freedom Satellite Systems at 216-267-5076 to arrange transfer of service. Anyone found to be using a receiver at the property that was not acquired directly from Freedom Satellite Systems risks having the line disconnected or charged a non-refundable $60 annual connection fee.
Dish Network and Freedom Satellite Systems reserves the right to change offers, available channels, prices, and fees at anytime without prior notice. DirecTV is not available at this property and any DirecTV dish antenna installed on or in common areas will risk having the equipment removed at subscriber cost. Service Call Fees: Minimum Service Call Fee is $25 and includes repair to coaxial cable or move receiver within apartment. Replacement Remote $25.